Saturday, January 16, 2010


You may remember my blog about Taco Bell's new "Drive-Thru Diet", but if not, you can read it HERE.

As a follow-up, one of the blogs that I frequently read (Mark's Daily Apple) just posted about the same thing.  Mark went in to much greater detail about the absurdity of the "diet" and he also framed it as a hilarious "Open Letter to Taco Bell."  Check it out HERE.

He mentions some of the ridiculous aspects of this new ad campaign...for instance, the only difference between the "healthy" fresco items and the regular menu items is cheese.  To give you a little taste of his post, here's a quote:

"First, I am slightly confused by the math of calorie reduction. I understand that a Fresco taco is 20 calories less than a regular taco (kudos for that feat of engineering!). If I am trying to reduce my daily consumption by 500 calories by eating Fresco tacos rather than regular tacos, does that mean I need to eat 25 Fresco tacos a day? (20 calorie reduction x 25 = 500 calorie reduction). That means I need to eat roughly six tacos a meal, including, of course, fourthmeal. Speaking of which…"

He finishes by suggesting 8 ways in which Taco Bell could improve their "Drive-Thru Diet" and even offers to donate $10,000 to Taco Bell's charity of choice if they actually implement those 8 things.

Read it!  It's hilarious.

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