Sunday, January 31, 2010


Yesterday was a great day in The SHOP.  It was about 35 degrees, and my space heater blew the breaker in my garage so I had no heat and I couldn't play any music.  No problem though, as I was forced to work even harder to keep my bodyheat up!

I actually did 2 sessions yesterday.  The first one in the morning was my strength session, and the second one later in the day was purely conditioning.  Here's what they looked like:


MB Slams

A1  Ring Pullups w/ weighted vest (50 lbs)
A2  Good Mornings (with band...great glute-hamstring exercise)

B1  One-Arm Chinups (assisted)

B2  Slideboard Hamstring Curls

C1  Cross-body Tricep Extensions
C2  T-Wheel Rollouts

That was it for the first session.  You've probably noticed by now that I'm a huge fan of bodyweight movements (pushups, pullups, one-leg squats, and all the variations of those).  I also love to make them as difficult as possible (one-arm, one-leg, weighted vest, etc.).  That's pretty much the point behind the one-arm chinups.  Although I can't perform a true one-arm chinup yet (but I will get it soon), using the towel to assist is a great progression.  The towel mainly provides stability and not much vertical assistance.  If I let go of the towel, my body actually starts to rotate around making it very awkward to try to pull.  But holding the towel I stay relatively stable and it makes it a better angle to pull from.

As for the tricep work that I've been adding in, that's more to aid with the lockout portion of any pressing exercise that I do (pushups, dips, bench press, whatever).  I haven't focused on lockout specifically, so by doing so I think I can get a pretty immediate boost to my performance.


Minute Drills
3 rounds, 3 minutes each, 1 minute rest in between rounds

Each round looked like this:

Heavy bag - 30 seconds
Burpees (without the jump) - 30 seconds
Sledgehammer swings - 30 seconds
Heavy bag - 30 seconds
Burpees (without the jump) - 30 seconds
Sledgehammer swings - 30 seconds

9 total minutes of work, and I was pretty exhausted by the end of it.  My conditioning has definitely gone down since my surgery (simply because I haven't been able to do all the things I like to do), but it isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  It's coming back pretty quickly too!

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