Saturday, January 30, 2010


Lauren and I were up bright and early yesterday to get a little work done in The SHOP.  It's starting to get cold again here in Dallas after almost two weeks of temperatures in the 50's or 60's.  Yesterday morning was pretty cold, but this morning is even colder (mid-20's).

Anyway, back to the workout....  In keeping with my 4 week rotation, I have recently switched up a few of my exercises to keep the gains coming and stave off any plateaus.  Here's what my workout looked like yesterday:

MB Chest Pass
A1  Handstand Pushups (off of cinder blocks for increased ROM)

A2  One-Leg Squats (pay close attention to my right leg)

B1  Weighted Dips (120 lbs.) this video is old, but you get the idea

B2  Slideboard Lunges

C1  Bodyweight Tricep Extensions
C2  T Wheel Rollouts

So, did you notice anything about my one-leg squats?  I have now progressed to full range-of-motion on my right leg (the one I had surgery on)!!  Yeah baby!

I'm about to do some work in the SHOP (it's now Saturday morning), so stay tuned for another workout update...

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