Thursday, October 29, 2009


If you read an earlier post I wrote about Organic Foods, then you may have wondered whether or not Organic is even more nutritious than Conventional.  If it is, that's great...if it's not, why should you spend the extra cash to buy Organic?

If you didn't read it...then get after it!  Click here!  I'll wait...

So my response to the question of which is more nutritious is actually "it doesn't matter."  My reasoning is pretty simple...

There have been numerous studies conducted that tested which method of farming produced the greatest nutrient content, and the results have been all over the board.  Some studies showed that Organic and Conventional were equal, while others showed that Organic beat out Conventional (in some cases by a narrow margin, while in other cases by a wide margin).  One thing that those studies never showed, though, was that Conventional was superior to Organic.  At best, Conventional is equal to Organic.

One other important thing to note, as Jonny Bowden recently wrote in an article of his:

"We don't really eat organic food simply because it has more nutrients, though that's very possible and hotly debated. We eat it because of what it doesn't have: poison." 

Jonny Bowden's articles are great, and I also love his books!  In particular, his book The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth should be a must-read for anyone that is passionate about health, nutrition, and wholesome cooking (although it is not a cookbook):

There are definitely a couple of surprises in the book...foods that I had never heard of.  I think the best part about the book is that he doesn't just tell you which foods are the best, but he tells you why and backs it up with scientific data.  By doing so, he also highlights the importance of variety!  While some foods are potent cancer fighters, others may stimulate optimal brain function or promote recovery from training and/or illnesses.  You get the idea.

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