Thursday, October 22, 2009


The doctor was able to salvage my labrum!  That's the good news...the bad news is that now I am on crutches for a month.  Oh well, I'll deal with it since I'm thankful to have a repaired hip and labrum.

We got some pictures during the surgery from the doctor using the scope-cam, but right now they are just a hard-copy.  I'm going to try to get some electronic versions of them so I can post them on the blog.  Very interesting stuff, and much easier to read than that damn MRI.  Dr. Muller drained the fluid out of my cyst (see MRI picture from last week's post), and now you can see that it looks like a big hole in my femur!  He says it will eventually fill back in with bone and I'll be good as new.

When I woke up in the recovery room I was famished!  Lauren told me that the nurse asked how I was feeling and how I would rate my pain level from 0 to 10, but all I could say was "Omelet."  The nurse kindly informed me that they don't have omelets, but they do have saltine crackers.  All I could say in response was "blah" while sticking my tongue out.  Apparently I was acting like a toddler.

The physical therapist came in right after that to show me the proper way to use crutches.  She helped me stand up, and then I went GHOSTLY WHITE!  I felt so terrible as a result of being so hungry.  I think I freaked her out too because she kept asking if I felt OK and I couldn't even respond.  They sat me back down and then Lauren and her mom went and got me a sandwich and some fruit.  WOW, what a difference a few calories made.  At this point it was close to noon and I had consumed ZERO calories so far.

So after eating the sandwich I was able to pass the crutches test and went home.  Lauren then did the greatest thing any wife has ever done...she made me a 4-egg mushroom broccoli venison omelet and a cup of coffee!!

I'm in good spirits and looking forward to the road to recovery.  It will be a tough challenge, but I'm up for it.  I just took two pain pills, so I'll probably be knocked out shortly.

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