Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Sorry for my brief hiatus from the you can imagine I've been a bit distracted as a result of my hip situation.  Also, my sister just got married this past weekend so I was out of town Thursday through Sunday.

Anyway, starting now, I will be back on track with regular blog updates.  Today's blog:


In 8 days I will be going under the knife to repair my deformed hip.  It has been really tough for the last several weeks trying to figure out both what I can do and what I should do.  Since I usually work out twice a day everyday, doing lower volume and frequency has been quite a challenge.  Nevertheless, I'm not doing anything stupid.  I haven't done a single thing that I'm not supposed to do since I want to improve my odds of a successful operation as much as possible.  I am extremely anxious though, and I'm ready to start rehab.

So far, my conditioning has been hit the hardest, and unfortunately that is one of the things I enjoy the most.  I've been scouring Craigslist trying to find a Schwinn Airdyne so that I can do some conditioning work (an Airdyne is the bike with the fan in front with arm action too):

Obviously the new ones are a bit pricey, but they usually pop up on Craigslist every so often for about $100.

Other than that, I've been doing extensive soft-tissue work, mobility and flexibility work, and a lot of 1-arm pushups, pullup variations, plank variations, and ab wheel.

I'm betting that I lose about 20 lbs. of lean mass in my legs.  Maybe I'll track that as well on the blog...I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and continue to do so every morning and track the changes.

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