Friday, December 25, 2009


I'm at my mother-in-law's house in Mandeville, LA for Christmas, but that doesn't mean I can't still get some work in.  There's a park at the front of her neighborhood with some monkey bars, which means I can pretty much get in a full workout.  Of course I brought some of my own trinkets as well (namely bands, because they are the perfect travel tool).

After some extensive foam rolling and hip/glute work (for rehab), I walked about 5 minutes down to the park for my workout.  It was probably about 40 degrees, but it was sunny and it felt great to be outside!  Here's what my workout looked like:

Explosive Band Pulls (this simulates a med ball slam, perfect for on the road)

A1 Muscle ups (did these on a straight bar, which I found more difficult technique-wise than using rings)
A2 Band Good Mornings (a great hamstring, glute, low back exercise)

B1 One-Arm Chinups (with a little assistance from the non-working arm...I can't quite do these unassisted yet)
B2 Single-Leg Glute Bridge

After the walk back to the house, I did a bunch of stretching to try to further loosen my hip up.  I've been dedicating about 10 minutes after every workout to stretching and I must say it feels good!

That's it for tonight.  I'm gonna drink a little coffee and do some reading to cap off a great Christmas!

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