This is actually a perfect segue into the post about what I'm currently reading:
The title pretty much says it all, but the key words actually are in the subtitle (which I realize you probably can't read on such a small picture). They are "...optimum health and longevity." So it's not just about making it to old age, but more about getting there in the best way possible. With medical technology, doctors can prolong life, but that doesn't mean the added time will be of high quality.
On the very first page he talks about the "Functionality Curve" of aging. The typical curve (with function on the vertical axis and age on the horizontal axis) shows a steady decline in function as age increases. The concept of "rectangularizing" the functionality curve means maintaining high levels of functionality into older age, so instead of a downward sloping curve, you would see a level or ever-so-slightly decreasing curve. Rather than accept the "inevitable decline" associated with aging, I'm going to try to prove that theory wrong!! Because accepting the status quo just isn't as fun.
As a result of my hip surgery, I have thought long and hard about longevity, quality of life, and the pursuit of optimum wellness (I use the term wellness to encompass health, fitness, quality of life, mental fortitude, etc.). Although nothing I was doing prior to my hip surgery was in conflict with optimum wellness, the concept just wasn't at the forefront of my mind. It's safe to say that it is now firmly cemented there!
So on to the book...
I thought this book was incredible! Dr. Bowden does a great job of simplifying these complex topics without dumbing them down. In other words, he provides the scientific explanations that are backed up by tons of research and he explains them in ways that can be easily understood. He doesn't just say "vegetables are good."
The first section of the book was titled "Rein in the Four Horsemen of Aging." There are basically four processes that occur in the body that, either individually or more likely collectively, are responsible for the majority of what happens to the human body as it breaks down. The four processes are:
- Oxidative damage (from free radicals)
- Inflammation
- Glycation
- Stress
I don't want to recite the whole book (you should read it!), so I'll keep the explanations brief about the Four Horsemen:
What they are: dangerous molecules created from oxygen that attack your cells and damage your DNA and “age you from within”
What to do: eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, all of which are high in antioxidants
What it is: a basic way the body reacts to injury or irritation; chronic inflammation is not noticeable because it does not necessarily cause any pain or symptoms but it damages vascular walls and is a factor in every single degenerative disease including heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer, and obesity
What to do: eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, which are high in natural anti-inflammatories such as quercetin; supplement with fish oil and flax seeds (or flax oil)
What it is: when sugar molecules glom onto protein or fat molecules, which results in circulation problems and the generation of free radicals
What to do: reduce sugar in your diet (or foods that the body quickly converts to sugar, such as breads, pastas, and other heavily refined starches); supplement with carnosine (which is also a powerful antioxidant)
What it is: any physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes mental tension or bodily harm; stress produces hormonal reactions in the body that can shrink parts of the brain, damage your vascular system, and increase blood sugar levels, heart rate, and blood pressure
What to do: meditation, deep breathing, and relaxing; a full night of restful, recuperative sleep; removal of the conditions that create stress, or balancing those conditions with exercise or other rewarding activities
The book is only about $16 on Amazon
, and this section alone was well worth the cost. In fact, if this was the only section you read, you would be well armed to defend your body (or allow it to defend itself) against aging and breakdown.
Obviously I gave minimal explanations and recommendations above, but in the book Dr. Bowden gives very specific advice and recommendations. He even has a great chart that details specific antioxidants found in particular foods and what each antioxidant can do for your body (some provide benefits to the heart, others benefit the brain, etc.). This chart is further proof that variety is crucial!
Section II – How to Keep the Key Players in Your Body Fit
The Seven Pillars of Longevity
1. Food – There are more elements in them that can extend your life than science has been able to put it’s collective finger on (synergistic action of nutrients…no action in the body takes place in isolation)
2. Supplements - the more we learn about aging, the more we understand how specific nutrients can help (and often the doses necessary for a therapeutic effect are beyond what we can get from food alone)
3. Detoxification - we are constantly bombarded by toxins (from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the chemicals in our soil, medications, the hormones, antibiotics, and steroids in our meat, as well as countless other sources); giving the body a break from these toxins all of a sudden seems pretty important
4. Exercise - "there isn't a long-lived society on earth in which the members are not active"
5. Sleep - not getting enough sleep can impair immune function, elevate stress, and contribute to weight gain
6. Stress Reduction - "stress exacerbates virtually every disease of aging and many others as well"
7. Emotional Intelligence - "the absolute universal truth about anti-aging is that there is no anti-aging without a strong social fabric"
Further, Dr. Bowden goes into detail on the following critical components of longevity:
Keep Your Heart in Shape
How to Keep Your Brain Sharp
How to Protect and Maintain Strong Bones, Muscles, and Joints
Boost Your Immune System
In the interest of length, you'll have to read the book to get the details on these sections!
Section III – The Secrets of Emotional Intelligence: Underrated and Ignored – Until Now
I'm actually just starting this section, so I can't review it yet.
FINAL CONCLUSION: buy the book! You will learn a ton, your body will thank you, it's an entertaining read, and as previously mentioned it is only $16.
I've read two of his other books, and they were great as well:
I fully intend to read everything else he has written.
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